Where is 805 Area Code?
805 Area Code is located in the Eastern California area. Here is the complete list of all of the cities in 805: Oxnard, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, San Buenaventura, Santa Maria, and Vetura.
Location & Time Zone Area Code 805
Current Time in 805 Area Code:
Nearby Area Codes
- 310 & 424 (Los Angeles, CA)
- 442 & 760 (Oceanside, CA)
- 559 (Fresno, CA)
- 661 (Bakersfield, CA)
- 747 & 818 (Los Angeles, CA)
- 775 (Reno, NV)
- 805 & 820 (Oxnard, CA)
- 831 (Salinas, CA)